Download now: Meaning to your meeting: Bended WORDS

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Bring meaning into your meeting

Download 'Bended Words': Add 'product' into your cart and purchase it in the normal way. You will then automatically receive a pdf in your mail box.

Generate ideas in a fun way
Make your weekly, internal meeting a little more fun with this exercise. Select the topic that needs new input. Ask 6 of your participants to join. If you are more than 6 participants you can start two simultaneous rounds. Ask one to start typing the word that immediately comes to her or him about the current topict. When the word is typed it must be folded to the back, so the next participant is unable to see it. Continue until you have 6 words. The overall task is to form a strong and compound word. 

Download the handout Bended WORDS
Order this product and you will automatically receive a link in your mailbox. Print in A4 or A3. Present the task and set the time.

What ideas do the WORD give you?
What is the word expressing?
What does the word say about our reactions?
What are the matches between the Folded WORDS?
What degree of lightness does the Folded WORD bring into the meeting?

Have fun with your strong compound words!


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